Backup your GitHub data with SimpleBackups GitHub V2

SimpleBackups founder

Laurent Lemaire

Co-founder, SimpleBackups

August 15, 2024

Woop, woop SimpleBackups GitHub V2 is there!

A fully revamped, next-generation service that makes backing up your GitHub data easier, faster, and more secure than ever before. With an array of powerful new features, a brand-new intuitive interface, and compliance-ready tools, our GitHub V2 service is designed to give you complete control over your data protection strategy.

What's New in GitHub V2?

We’ve listened to your feedback and worked hard to deliver a service that meets the needs of modern development teams. Here’s what you can expect from SimpleBackups GitHub V2:

Revamped Intuitive UI

Navigating your backups has never been easier. Our completely redesigned user interface is intuitive and user-friendly, allowing you to manage your backups effortlessly. Whether you’re setting up your first backup or fine-tuning an existing schedule, the new UI simplifies the process with clear, easy-to-understand controls.

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OAuth Support for Quick and Secure Connections

Connecting your GitHub account to SimpleBackups is now faster, thanks to OAuth support.
With just a few clicks, you can authorize SimpleBackups to access your GitHub repositories, making the setup process super quick.

No more manual configuration or lengthy setup procedures—just instant, secure access to your data.

Advanced Scope Selection

Take full control over what gets backed up with our advanced scope selection features:

  • Repository Selection: Easily include or exclude specific repositories from your backups.
  • Metadata and Gist Backup: Choose to back up not just your code, but also associated metadata and Gists, ensuring comprehensive data protection.
  • Automatic Repository Addition: New repositories are automatically added to your backup schedule without any manual updates needed, keeping your backup strategy up-to-date with your development workflow.

Multi-Storage Replication

With multi-storage support, you can replicate your backups across multiple storage locations, ensuring redundancy and resilience. Whether you prefer cloud storage, local servers, or a mix of both, SimpleBackups GitHub V2 makes it easy to safeguard your data across diverse environments.

Flexible Schedule and Retention

Flexible backup storage and retention
Easily set up and manage a Grandfather-Father-Son (GFS) backup strategy or any other scheduling strategy, using our flexible model. This approach allows you to maintain multiple versions of your backups over time, providing a robust data protection strategy that balances storage efficiency with comprehensive versioning.

End-to-End Encryption

Security is at the core of everything we do.
SimpleBackups GitHub V2 offers full encryption of your backups using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), ensuring your data is protected both in transit and at rest. We also support private key encryption and SSL for additional layers of security, giving you peace of mind that your data is safe from unauthorized access.

ISO 27001 European based Certified Solution

SimpleBackups GitHub V2 is ISO 27001 certified, affirming our commitment to the highest standards of information security management. Whether you’re a small team or a large enterprise, you can trust that your data protection strategy meets international security standards.

Advanced Compliance Features for SOC 2 and ISO 27001

We’ve built advanced features specifically designed to help you meet SOC 2 and ISO 27001 compliance requirements:

  • Audit Trails: Track every action and change within your backup environment to ensure full transparency and accountability.
  • Compliance Dashboard: Our new compliance dashboard gives you a real-time overview of your compliance status, making it easier to manage and demonstrate your adherence to industry standards.

Learn more about SimpleBackups GitHub V2

Automated GitHub Backup for amazing coders.

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