Cloud Provider Regions Index

Cloud Provider Regions is based on our internal tool that retrieves regions supported by all cloud providers we support at SimpleBackups. This regions are refreshed whenever we detect a change in the cloud provider's API.

Amazon AWS Regions

You can find all regions supported by Amazon AWS on:s3 documentation, ec2 documentation.
This list was last updated on 2024-11-30.

Amazon AWS storage Regions

  "af-south-1": "Africa (Cape Town) - af-south-1",
  "ap-east-1": "Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) - ap-east-1",
  "ap-northeast-1": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo) - ap-northeast-1",
  "ap-northeast-2": "Asia Pacific (Seoul) - ap-northeast-2",
  "ap-northeast-3": "Asia Pacific (Osaka) - ap-northeast-3",
  "ap-south-1": "Asia Pacific (Mumbai) - ap-south-1",
  "ap-south-2": "Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) - ap-south-2",
  "ap-southeast-1": "Asia Pacific (Singapore) - ap-southeast-1",
  "ap-southeast-2": "Asia Pacific (Sydney) - ap-southeast-2",
  "ap-southeast-3": "Asia Pacific (Jakarta) - ap-southeast-3",
  "ap-southeast-4": "Asia Pacific (Melbourne) - ap-southeast-4",
  "ap-southeast-5": "Asia Pacific (Malaysia) - ap-southeast-5",
  "ca-central-1": "Canada (Central) - ca-central-1",
  "ca-west-1": "Canada West (Calgary) - ca-west-1",
  "eu-central-1": "Europe (Frankfurt) - eu-central-1",
  "eu-central-2": "Europe (Zurich) - eu-central-2",
  "eu-north-1": "Europe (Stockholm) - eu-north-1",
  "eu-south-1": "Europe (Milan) - eu-south-1",
  "eu-south-2": "Europe (Spain) - eu-south-2",
  "eu-west-1": "Europe (Ireland) - eu-west-1",
  "eu-west-2": "Europe (London) - eu-west-2",
  "eu-west-3": "Europe (Paris) - eu-west-3",
  "il-central-1": "Israel (Tel Aviv) - il-central-1",
  "me-central-1": "Middle East (UAE) - me-central-1",
  "me-south-1": "Middle East (Bahrain) - me-south-1",
  "sa-east-1": "South America (São Paulo) - sa-east-1",
  "us-east-1": "US East (N. Virginia) - us-east-1",
  "us-east-2": "US East (Ohio) - us-east-2",
  "us-gov-east-1": "AWS GovCloud (US-East) - us-gov-east-1",
  "us-gov-west-1": "AWS GovCloud (US-West) - us-gov-west-1",
  "us-west-1": "US West (N. California) - us-west-1",
  "us-west-2": "US West (Oregon) - us-west-2"

Amazon AWS compute Regions

  "af-south-1": "Africa (Cape Town) - af-south-1",
  "ap-east-1": "Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) - ap-east-1",
  "ap-northeast-1": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo) - ap-northeast-1",
  "ap-northeast-2": "Asia Pacific (Seoul) - ap-northeast-2",
  "ap-northeast-3": "Asia Pacific (Osaka) - ap-northeast-3",
  "ap-south-1": "Asia Pacific (Mumbai) - ap-south-1",
  "ap-south-2": "Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) - ap-south-2",
  "ap-southeast-1": "Asia Pacific (Singapore) - ap-southeast-1",
  "ap-southeast-2": "Asia Pacific (Sydney) - ap-southeast-2",
  "ap-southeast-3": "Asia Pacific (Jakarta) - ap-southeast-3",
  "ap-southeast-4": "Asia Pacific (Melbourne) - ap-southeast-4",
  "ap-southeast-5": "Asia Pacific (Malaysia) - ap-southeast-5",
  "ca-central-1": "Canada (Central) - ca-central-1",
  "ca-west-1": "Canada West (Calgary) - ca-west-1",
  "cn-north-1": "China (Beijing) - cn-north-1",
  "cn-northwest-1": "China (Ningxia) - cn-northwest-1",
  "eu-central-1": "Europe (Frankfurt) - eu-central-1",
  "eu-central-2": "Europe (Zurich) - eu-central-2",
  "eu-north-1": "Europe (Stockholm) - eu-north-1",
  "eu-south-1": "Europe (Milan) - eu-south-1",
  "eu-south-2": "Europe (Spain) - eu-south-2",
  "eu-west-1": "Europe (Ireland) - eu-west-1",
  "eu-west-2": "Europe (London) - eu-west-2",
  "eu-west-3": "Europe (Paris) - eu-west-3",
  "il-central-1": "Israel (Tel Aviv) - il-central-1",
  "me-central-1": "Middle East (UAE) - me-central-1",
  "me-south-1": "Middle East (Bahrain) - me-south-1",
  "sa-east-1": "South America (São Paulo) - sa-east-1",
  "us-east-1": "US East (N. Virginia) - us-east-1",
  "us-east-2": "US East (Ohio) - us-east-2",
  "us-west-1": "US West (N. California) - us-west-1",
  "us-west-2": "US West (Oregon) - us-west-2"

Amazon Lightsail Regions

You can find all regions supported by Amazon Lightsail on:lightsail documentation.
This list was last updated on 2024-11-30.

Amazon Lightsail compute Regions

  "ap-northeast-1": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo) (ap-northeast-1)",
  "ap-northeast-2": "Asia Pacific (Seoul) (ap-northeast-2)",
  "ap-south-1": "Asia Pacific (Mumbai) (ap-south-1)",
  "ap-southeast-1": "Asia Pacific (Singapore) (ap-southeast-1)",
  "ap-southeast-2": "Asia Pacific (Sydney) (ap-southeast-2)",
  "ca-central-1": "Canada (Central) (ca-central-1)",
  "eu-central-1": "EU (Frankfurt) (eu-central-1)",
  "eu-north-1": "EU (Stockholm) (eu-north-1)",
  "eu-west-1": "EU (Ireland) (eu-west-1)",
  "eu-west-2": "EU (London) (eu-west-2)",
  "eu-west-3": "EU (Paris) (eu-west-3)",
  "us-east-1": "US East (N. Virginia) (us-east-1)",
  "us-east-2": "US East (Ohio) (us-east-2)",
  "us-west-2": "US West (Oregon) (us-west-2)"

Backblaze Regions

You can find all regions supported by Backblaze on:API documentation.
This list was last updated on 2024-11-30.

Backblaze storage Regions

  "eu-central-003": "EU Central 3 - eu-central-003",
  "us-east-005": "US East 5 - us-east-005",
  "us-west-000": "US West 0 - us-west-000",
  "us-west-001": "US West 1 - us-west-001",
  "us-west-002": "US West 2 - us-west-002",
  "us-west-004": "US West 4 - us-west-004"

DigitalOcean Regions

You can find all regions supported by DigitalOcean on:Spaces documentation, Droplet documentation.
This list was last updated on 2024-11-30.

DigitalOcean storage Regions

  "AMS3": "Amsterdam - AMS3",
  "BLR1": "Bangalore - BLR1",
  "FRA1": "Frankfurt - FRA1",
  "LON1": "Region code not found - LON1",
  "NYC3": "New York City - NYC3",
  "SFO2": "San Francisco - SFO2",
  "SFO3": "San Francisco - SFO3",
  "SGP1": "Singapore - SGP1",
  "SYD1": "Sydney - SYD1",
  "TOR1": "Region code not found - TOR1"

DigitalOcean compute Regions

  "ams3": "Amsterdam, the Netherlands - ams3",
  "blr1": "Bangalore, India - blr1",
  "fra1": "Frankfurt, Germany - fra1",
  "lon1": "London, United Kingdom - lon1",
  "nyc1": "New York City, United States - nyc1",
  "nyc2": "New York City, United States - nyc2",
  "nyc3": "New York City, United States - nyc3",
  "sfo2": "San Francisco, United States - sfo2",
  "sfo3": "San Francisco, United States - sfo3",
  "sgp1": "Singapore - sgp1",
  "syd1": "Sydney, Australia - syd1",
  "tor1": "Toronto, Canada - tor1"

Exoscale Regions

You can find all regions supported by Exoscale on:Exoscale documentation.
This list was last updated on 2024-11-30.

Exoscale storage Regions

  "at-vie-1": "Vienna, Austria - at-vie-1",
  "at-vie-2": "Vienna, Austria - at-vie-2",
  "bg-sof-1": "Sofia, Bulgaria - bg-sof-1",
  "ch-dk-2": "Zurich, Switzerland - ch-dk-2",
  "ch-gva-2": "Geneva, Switzerland - ch-gva-2",
  "de-fra-1": "Frankfurt, Germany - de-fra-1",
  "de-muc-1": "Munich, Germany - de-muc-1"

Exoscale compute Regions

  "at-vie-1": "Vienna, Austria - at-vie-1",
  "at-vie-2": "Vienna, Austria - at-vie-2",
  "bg-sof-1": "Sofia, Bulgaria - bg-sof-1",
  "ch-dk-2": "Zurich, Switzerland - ch-dk-2",
  "ch-gva-2": "Geneva, Switzerland - ch-gva-2",
  "de-fra-1": "Frankfurt, Germany - de-fra-1",
  "de-muc-1": "Munich, Germany - de-muc-1"

Google Cloud Regions

You can find all regions supported by Google Cloud on:Google Cloud storage documentation, Google Cloud compute documentation.
This list was last updated on 2024-11-30.

Google Cloud storage Regions

  "africa-south1": "Africa - africa-south1",
  "asia-east1": "Asia - asia-east1",
  "asia-east2": "Asia - asia-east2",
  "asia-northeast1": "Asia - asia-northeast1",
  "asia-northeast2 1": "Asia - asia-northeast2 1",
  "asia-northeast3": "Asia - asia-northeast3",
  "asia-south1": "India - asia-south1",
  "asia-south2": "India - asia-south2",
  "asia-southeast1": "Asia - asia-southeast1",
  "asia-southeast2": "Indonesia - asia-southeast2",
  "australia-southeast1": "Australia - australia-southeast1",
  "australia-southeast2": "Australia - australia-southeast2",
  "europe-central2": "Europe - europe-central2",
  "europe-north1": "Europe - europe-north1",
  "europe-southwest1": "Europe - europe-southwest1",
  "europe-west1": "Europe - europe-west1",
  "europe-west10": "Europe - europe-west10",
  "europe-west12": "Europe - europe-west12",
  "europe-west2": "Europe - europe-west2",
  "europe-west3": "Europe - europe-west3",
  "europe-west4": "Europe - europe-west4",
  "europe-west6": "Europe - europe-west6",
  "europe-west8": "Europe - europe-west8",
  "europe-west9": "Europe - europe-west9",
  "me-central1": "Middle East - me-central1",
  "me-central2": "Middle East - me-central2",
  "me-west1": "Middle East - me-west1",
  "northamerica-northeast1 1": "North America - northamerica-northeast1 1",
  "northamerica-northeast2": "North America - northamerica-northeast2",
  "northamerica-south1 1": "North America - northamerica-south1 1",
  "southamerica-east1": "South America - southamerica-east1",
  "southamerica-west1": "South America - southamerica-west1",
  "us-central1": "North America - us-central1",
  "us-east1": "North America - us-east1",
  "us-east4": "North America - us-east4",
  "us-east5": "North America - us-east5",
  "us-south1": "North America - us-south1",
  "us-west1": "North America - us-west1",
  "us-west2": "North America - us-west2",
  "us-west3": "North America - us-west3",
  "us-west4": "North America - us-west4"

Google Cloud compute Regions

  "africa-south1-a": "Johannesburg, South Africa - africa-south1-a",
  "africa-south1-b": "Johannesburg, South Africa - africa-south1-b",
  "africa-south1-c": "Johannesburg, South Africa - africa-south1-c",
  "asia-east1-a": "Changhua County, Taiwan, APAC - asia-east1-a",
  "asia-east1-b": "Changhua County, Taiwan, APAC - asia-east1-b",
  "asia-east1-c": "Changhua County, Taiwan, APAC - asia-east1-c",
  "asia-east2-a": "Hong Kong, APAC - asia-east2-a",
  "asia-east2-b": "Hong Kong, APAC - asia-east2-b",
  "asia-east2-c": "Hong Kong, APAC - asia-east2-c",
  "asia-northeast1-a": "Tokyo, Japan, APAC - asia-northeast1-a",
  "asia-northeast1-b": "Tokyo, Japan, APAC - asia-northeast1-b",
  "asia-northeast1-c": "Tokyo, Japan, APAC - asia-northeast1-c",
  "asia-northeast2-a": "Osaka, Japan, APAC - asia-northeast2-a",
  "asia-northeast2-b": "Osaka, Japan, APAC - asia-northeast2-b",
  "asia-northeast2-c": "Osaka, Japan, APAC - asia-northeast2-c",
  "asia-northeast3-a": "Seoul, South Korea, APAC - asia-northeast3-a",
  "asia-northeast3-b": "Seoul, South Korea, APAC - asia-northeast3-b",
  "asia-northeast3-c": "Seoul, South Korea, APAC - asia-northeast3-c",
  "asia-south1-a": "Mumbai, India, APAC - asia-south1-a",
  "asia-south1-b": "Mumbai, India, APAC - asia-south1-b",
  "asia-south1-c": "Mumbai, India, APAC - asia-south1-c",
  "asia-south2-a": "Delhi, India, APAC - asia-south2-a",
  "asia-south2-b": "Delhi, India, APAC - asia-south2-b",
  "asia-south2-c": "Delhi, India, APAC - asia-south2-c",
  "asia-southeast1-a": "Jurong West, Singapore, APAC - asia-southeast1-a",
  "asia-southeast1-b": "Jurong West, Singapore, APAC - asia-southeast1-b",
  "asia-southeast1-c": "Jurong West, Singapore, APAC - asia-southeast1-c",
  "asia-southeast2-a": "Jakarta, Indonesia, APAC - asia-southeast2-a",
  "asia-southeast2-b": "Jakarta, Indonesia, APAC - asia-southeast2-b",
  "asia-southeast2-c": "Jakarta, Indonesia, APAC - asia-southeast2-c",
  "australia-southeast1-a": "Sydney, Australia, APAC - australia-southeast1-a",
  "australia-southeast1-b": "Sydney, Australia, APAC - australia-southeast1-b",
  "australia-southeast1-c": "Sydney, Australia, APAC - australia-southeast1-c",
  "australia-southeast2-a": "Melbourne, Australia, APAC - australia-southeast2-a",
  "australia-southeast2-b": "Melbourne, Australia, APAC - australia-southeast2-b",
  "australia-southeast2-c": "Melbourne, Australia, APAC - australia-southeast2-c",
  "europe-central2-a": "Warsaw, Poland, Europe - europe-central2-a",
  "europe-central2-b": "Warsaw, Poland, Europe - europe-central2-b",
  "europe-central2-c": "Warsaw, Poland, Europe - europe-central2-c",
  "europe-north1-a": "Hamina, Finland, Europe - europe-north1-a",
  "europe-north1-b": "Hamina, Finland, Europe - europe-north1-b",
  "europe-north1-c": "Hamina, Finland, Europe - europe-north1-c",
  "europe-southwest1-a": "Madrid, Spain, Europe - europe-southwest1-a",
  "europe-southwest1-b": "Madrid, Spain, Europe - europe-southwest1-b",
  "europe-southwest1-c": "Madrid, Spain, Europe - europe-southwest1-c",
  "europe-west1-b": "St. Ghislain, Belgium, Europe - europe-west1-b",
  "europe-west1-c": "St. Ghislain, Belgium, Europe - europe-west1-c",
  "europe-west1-d": "St. Ghislain, Belgium, Europe - europe-west1-d",
  "europe-west10-a": "Berlin, Germany, Europe - europe-west10-a",
  "europe-west10-b": "Berlin, Germany, Europe - europe-west10-b",
  "europe-west10-c": "Berlin, Germany, Europe - europe-west10-c",
  "europe-west12-a": "Turin, Italy, Europe - europe-west12-a",
  "europe-west12-b": "Turin, Italy, Europe - europe-west12-b",
  "europe-west12-c": "Turin, Italy, Europe - europe-west12-c",
  "europe-west2-a": "London, England, Europe - europe-west2-a",
  "europe-west2-b": "London, England, Europe - europe-west2-b",
  "europe-west2-c": "London, England, Europe - europe-west2-c",
  "europe-west3-a": "Frankfurt, Germany, Europe - europe-west3-a",
  "europe-west3-b": "Frankfurt, Germany, Europe - europe-west3-b",
  "europe-west3-c": "Frankfurt, Germany, Europe - europe-west3-c",
  "europe-west4-a": "Eemshaven, Netherlands, Europe - europe-west4-a",
  "europe-west4-b": "Eemshaven, Netherlands, Europe - europe-west4-b",
  "europe-west4-c": "Eemshaven, Netherlands, Europe - europe-west4-c",
  "europe-west6-a": "Zurich, Switzerland, Europe - europe-west6-a",
  "europe-west6-b": "Zurich, Switzerland, Europe - europe-west6-b",
  "europe-west6-c": "Zurich, Switzerland, Europe - europe-west6-c",
  "europe-west8-a": "Milan, Italy, Europe - europe-west8-a",
  "europe-west8-b": "Milan, Italy, Europe - europe-west8-b",
  "europe-west8-c": "Milan, Italy, Europe - europe-west8-c",
  "europe-west9-a": "Paris, France, Europe - europe-west9-a",
  "europe-west9-b": "Paris, France, Europe - europe-west9-b",
  "europe-west9-c": "Paris, France, Europe - europe-west9-c",
  "me-central1-a": "Doha, Qatar, Middle East - me-central1-a",
  "me-central1-b": "Doha, Qatar, Middle East - me-central1-b",
  "me-central1-c": "Doha, Qatar, Middle East - me-central1-c",
  "me-central2-a": "Dammam, Saudi Arabia, Middle East - me-central2-a",
  "me-central2-b": "Dammam, Saudi Arabia, Middle East - me-central2-b",
  "me-central2-c": "Dammam, Saudi Arabia, Middle East - me-central2-c",
  "me-west1-a": "Tel Aviv, Israel, Middle East - me-west1-a",
  "me-west1-b": "Tel Aviv, Israel, Middle East - me-west1-b",
  "me-west1-c": "Tel Aviv, Israel, Middle East - me-west1-c",
  "northamerica-northeast1-a": "Montréal, Québec, North America - northamerica-northeast1-a",
  "northamerica-northeast1-b": "Montréal, Québec, North America - northamerica-northeast1-b",
  "northamerica-northeast1-c": "Montréal, Québec, North America - northamerica-northeast1-c",
  "northamerica-northeast2-a": "Toronto, Ontario, North America - northamerica-northeast2-a",
  "northamerica-northeast2-b": "Toronto, Ontario, North America - northamerica-northeast2-b",
  "northamerica-northeast2-c": "Toronto, Ontario, North America - northamerica-northeast2-c",
  "northamerica-south1-a": "Queretaro, Mexico, North America - northamerica-south1-a",
  "northamerica-south1-b": "Queretaro, Mexico, North America - northamerica-south1-b",
  "northamerica-south1-c": "Queretaro, Mexico, North America - northamerica-south1-c",
  "southamerica-east1-a": "Osasco, São Paulo, Brazil, South America - southamerica-east1-a",
  "southamerica-east1-b": "Osasco, São Paulo, Brazil, South America - southamerica-east1-b",
  "southamerica-east1-c": "Osasco, São Paulo, Brazil, South America - southamerica-east1-c",
  "southamerica-west1-a": "Santiago, Chile, South America - southamerica-west1-a",
  "southamerica-west1-b": "Santiago, Chile, South America - southamerica-west1-b",
  "southamerica-west1-c": "Santiago, Chile, South America - southamerica-west1-c",
  "us-central1-a": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America - us-central1-a",
  "us-central1-b": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America - us-central1-b",
  "us-central1-c": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America - us-central1-c",
  "us-central1-f": "Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America - us-central1-f",
  "us-east1-b": "Moncks Corner, South Carolina, North America - us-east1-b",
  "us-east1-c": "Moncks Corner, South Carolina, North America - us-east1-c",
  "us-east1-d": "Moncks Corner, South Carolina, North America - us-east1-d",
  "us-east4-a": "Ashburn, Virginia, North America - us-east4-a",
  "us-east4-b": "Ashburn, Virginia, North America - us-east4-b",
  "us-east4-c": "Ashburn, Virginia, North America - us-east4-c",
  "us-east5-a": "Columbus, Ohio, North America - us-east5-a",
  "us-east5-b": "Columbus, Ohio, North America - us-east5-b",
  "us-east5-c": "Columbus, Ohio, North America - us-east5-c",
  "us-south1-a": "Dallas, Texas, North America - us-south1-a",
  "us-south1-b": "Dallas, Texas, North America - us-south1-b",
  "us-south1-c": "Dallas, Texas, North America - us-south1-c",
  "us-west1-a": "The Dalles, Oregon, North America - us-west1-a",
  "us-west1-b": "The Dalles, Oregon, North America - us-west1-b",
  "us-west1-c": "The Dalles, Oregon, North America - us-west1-c",
  "us-west2-a": "Los Angeles, California, North America - us-west2-a",
  "us-west2-b": "Los Angeles, California, North America - us-west2-b",
  "us-west2-c": "Los Angeles, California, North America - us-west2-c",
  "us-west3-a": "Salt Lake City, Utah, North America - us-west3-a",
  "us-west3-b": "Salt Lake City, Utah, North America - us-west3-b",
  "us-west3-c": "Salt Lake City, Utah, North America - us-west3-c",
  "us-west4-a": "Las Vegas, Nevada, North America - us-west4-a",
  "us-west4-b": "Las Vegas, Nevada, North America - us-west4-b",
  "us-west4-c": "Las Vegas, Nevada, North America - us-west4-c"

Hetzner Regions

You can find all regions supported by Hetzner on:Hetzner Cloud documentation.
This list was last updated on 2024-11-30.

Hetzner storage Regions


Hetzner compute Regions


Linode Regions

You can find all regions supported by Linode on:Linode storage documentation, Linode compute documentation.
This list was last updated on 2024-11-30.

Linode storage Regions

  "ap-south-1": "Singapore - ap-south-1",
  "br-gru-1": "São Paulo (Brazil) - br-gru-1",
  "es-mad-1": "Madrid (Spain) - es-mad-1",
  "eu-central-1": "Frankfurt (Germany) - eu-central-1",
  "fr-par-1": "Paris (France) - fr-par-1",
  "id-cgk-1": "Jakarta (Indonesia) - id-cgk-1",
  "in-maa-1": "Chennai (India) - in-maa-1",
  "it-mil-1": "Milan (Italy) - it-mil-1",
  "jp-osa-1": "Osaka (Japan) - jp-osa-1",
  "nl-ams-1": "Amsterdam (Netherlands) - nl-ams-1",
  "se-sto-1": "Stockholm (Sweden) - se-sto-1",
  "us-east-1": "Newark, NJ (USA) - us-east-1",
  "us-iad-1": "Washington, DC (USA) - us-iad-1",
  "us-lax-1": "Los Angeles, CA (USA) - us-lax-1",
  "us-mia-1": "Miami, FL (USA) - us-mia-1",
  "us-ord-1": "Chicago, IL (USA) - us-ord-1",
  "us-sea-1": "Seattle, WA (USA) - us-sea-1",
  "us-southeast-1": "Atlanta, GA (USA) - us-southeast-1"

Linode compute Regions

  "ap-northeast": "Tokyo, JP - ap-northeast",
  "ap-south": "Singapore, SG - ap-south",
  "ap-southeast": "Sydney, AU - ap-southeast",
  "ap-west": "Mumbai, IN - ap-west",
  "br-gru": "Sao Paulo, BR - br-gru",
  "ca-central": "Toronto, CA - ca-central",
  "es-mad": "Madrid, ES - es-mad",
  "eu-central": "Frankfurt, DE - eu-central",
  "eu-west": "London, UK - eu-west",
  "fr-par": "Paris, FR - fr-par",
  "id-cgk": "Jakarta, ID - id-cgk",
  "in-maa": "Chennai, IN - in-maa",
  "it-mil": "Milan, IT - it-mil",
  "jp-osa": "Osaka, JP - jp-osa",
  "nl-ams": "Amsterdam, NL - nl-ams",
  "se-sto": "Stockholm, SE - se-sto",
  "us-central": "Dallas, TX - us-central",
  "us-east": "Newark, NJ - us-east",
  "us-iad": "Washington, DC - us-iad",
  "us-lax": "Los Angeles, CA - us-lax",
  "us-mia": "Miami, FL - us-mia",
  "us-ord": "Chicago, IL - us-ord",
  "us-sea": "Seattle, WA - us-sea",
  "us-southeast": "Atlanta, GA - us-southeast",
  "us-west": "Fremont, CA - us-west"

Outscale Regions

You can find all regions supported by Outscale on:Outscale documentation.
This list was last updated on 2024-11-30.

Outscale storage Regions


Outscale compute Regions


Storj Regions

You can find all regions supported by Storj on:Storj documentation.
This list was last updated on 2024-11-30.

Storj storage Regions

  "AP1": "AP1",
  "EU1": "EU1",
  "US1": "US1"

Synology Regions

You can find all regions supported by Synology on:documentation.
This list was last updated on 2024-11-30.

Synology storage Regions

  "eu-001": "EU 001 - eu-001",
  "eu-003": "EU 003 - eu-003",
  "eu-004": "EU 004 - eu-004",
  "us-001": "US 001 - us-001",
  "us-002": "US 002 - us-002",
  "us-003": "US 003 - us-003"

UpCloud Regions

You can find all regions supported by UpCloud on:documentation.
This list was last updated on 2024-11-30.

UpCloud storage Regions

  "au-syd1": "Sydney, Australia - AU SYD1",
  "de-fra1": "Frankfurt, Germany - DE FRA1",
  "es-mad1": "Madrid, Spain - ES MAD1",
  "fi-hel2": "Helsinki, Finland - FI HEL2",
  "nl-ams1": "Amsterdam, Netherlands - NL AMS1",
  "pl-waw1": "Warsaw, Poland - PL WAW1",
  "sg-sin1": "Singapore - SG SIN1",
  "uk-lon1": "London, UK - UK LON1",
  "us-chi1": "Chicago, USA - US CHI1",
  "us-nyc1": "New York, USA - US NYC1",
  "us-sjo1": "San Jose, USA - US SJO1"

UpCloud compute Regions

  "au-syd1": "Sydney, Australia - AU SYD1",
  "de-fra1": "Frankfurt, Germany - DE FRA1",
  "es-mad1": "Madrid, Spain - ES MAD1",
  "fi-hel1": "Helsinki, Finland - FI HEL1",
  "fi-hel2": "Helsinki, Finland - FI HEL2",
  "nl-ams1": "Amsterdam, Netherlands - NL AMS1",
  "pl-waw1": "Warsaw, Poland - PL WAW1",
  "se-sto1": "Stockholm, Sweden - SE STO1",
  "sg-sin1": "Singapore - SG SIN1",
  "uk-lon1": "London, UK - UK LON1",
  "us-chi1": "Chicago, USA - US CHI1",
  "us-nyc1": "New York, USA - US NYC1",
  "us-sjo1": "San Jose, USA - US SJO1"

Vultr Regions

You can find all regions supported by Vultr on:Vultr api.
This list was last updated on 2024-11-30.

Vultr storage Regions

  "ams": "Amsterdam, NL (Europe) - ams",
  "atl": "Atlanta, US (North America) - atl",
  "blr": "Bangalore, IN (Asia) - blr",
  "bom": "Mumbai, IN (Asia) - bom",
  "cdg": "Paris, FR (Europe) - cdg",
  "del": "Delhi NCR, IN (Asia) - del",
  "dfw": "Dallas, US (North America) - dfw",
  "ewr": "New Jersey, US (North America) - ewr",
  "fra": "Frankfurt, DE (Europe) - fra",
  "hnl": "Honolulu, US (North America) - hnl",
  "icn": "Seoul, KR (Asia) - icn",
  "itm": "Osaka, JP (Asia) - itm",
  "jnb": "Johannesburg, ZA (Africa) - jnb",
  "lax": "Los Angeles, US (North America) - lax",
  "lhr": "London, GB (Europe) - lhr",
  "mad": "Madrid, ES (Europe) - mad",
  "man": "Manchester, GB (Europe) - man",
  "mel": "Melbourne, AU (Australia) - mel",
  "mex": "Mexico City, MX (North America) - mex",
  "mia": "Miami, US (North America) - mia",
  "nrt": "Tokyo, JP (Asia) - nrt",
  "ord": "Chicago, US (North America) - ord",
  "sao": "São Paulo, BR (South America) - sao",
  "scl": "Santiago, CL (South America) - scl",
  "sea": "Seattle, US (North America) - sea",
  "sgp": "Singapore, SG (Asia) - sgp",
  "sjc": "Silicon Valley, US (North America) - sjc",
  "sto": "Stockholm, SE (Europe) - sto",
  "tlv": "Tel Aviv, IL (Asia) - tlv",
  "waw": "Warsaw, PL (Europe) - waw",
  "yto": "Toronto, CA (North America) - yto"

Vultr compute Regions

  "ams": "Amsterdam, NL (Europe) - ams",
  "atl": "Atlanta, US (North America) - atl",
  "blr": "Bangalore, IN (Asia) - blr",
  "bom": "Mumbai, IN (Asia) - bom",
  "cdg": "Paris, FR (Europe) - cdg",
  "del": "Delhi NCR, IN (Asia) - del",
  "dfw": "Dallas, US (North America) - dfw",
  "ewr": "New Jersey, US (North America) - ewr",
  "fra": "Frankfurt, DE (Europe) - fra",
  "hnl": "Honolulu, US (North America) - hnl",
  "icn": "Seoul, KR (Asia) - icn",
  "itm": "Osaka, JP (Asia) - itm",
  "jnb": "Johannesburg, ZA (Africa) - jnb",
  "lax": "Los Angeles, US (North America) - lax",
  "lhr": "London, GB (Europe) - lhr",
  "mad": "Madrid, ES (Europe) - mad",
  "man": "Manchester, GB (Europe) - man",
  "mel": "Melbourne, AU (Australia) - mel",
  "mex": "Mexico City, MX (North America) - mex",
  "mia": "Miami, US (North America) - mia",
  "nrt": "Tokyo, JP (Asia) - nrt",
  "ord": "Chicago, US (North America) - ord",
  "sao": "São Paulo, BR (South America) - sao",
  "scl": "Santiago, CL (South America) - scl",
  "sea": "Seattle, US (North America) - sea",
  "sgp": "Singapore, SG (Asia) - sgp",
  "sjc": "Silicon Valley, US (North America) - sjc",
  "sto": "Stockholm, SE (Europe) - sto",
  "syd": "Sydney, AU (Australia) - syd",
  "tlv": "Tel Aviv, IL (Asia) - tlv",
  "waw": "Warsaw, PL (Europe) - waw",
  "yto": "Toronto, CA (North America) - yto"

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