How to create a Neon database backup

SimpleBackups developer

Nour Sofanati

Developer, SimpleBackups

March 20, 2024

In this Guide, we will go through creating a backup of your Neon PostgreSQL database using SimpleBackups. We'll cover everything from obtaining your Neon database credentials to creating and restoring backups. By following these steps, you can ensure the safety and security of your valuable data.


  • Register for a SimpleBackups account, this tutorial uses SimpleBackups as a backup provider.
  • An active Neon account with a database to backup
  • Network Access from SimpleBackups to your Neon database

Retrieving Neon Database Connection String

Step 1: Create a Backup User in Neon

  1. Log in to your Neon dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the database you wish to back up.
  3. Click on “Overview” then “Connect” or just on the Dashboard, refer to “Connection Details”
  4. Create a new user (or role) with RW or read-only access to the necessary database. This user will be used by SimpleBackups to connect to your database securely.
  5. Copy the connection string (make sure you replace the **** by the actual password)
    Neon Connection String

Step 2: Whitelist SimpleBackups IP Addresses

Note: if your database is behind a firewall, follow the following steps.

  1. In the Neon dashboard, go to the "Project settings" then "IP Allow"
  2. Add the IP addresses provided by SimpleBackups to the whitelist. This allows SimpleBackups to connect to your database.
    Neon IP Whitelist

Creating a New Neon Database Backup on SimpleBackups

Step 1: Create a New Database Backup on SimpleBackups

  1. Navigate to the "Backups" section and click on "Create Backup."
    SimpleBackups Create Backup
  2. Select "Database Backup."
  3. You may use your own server to dump the backups, but we recommend the “serverless” option.
  4. Step 4: Configure Database Backup Settings
    • Choose PostgreSQL as the database type.
    • Click “Paste connection string instead”
    • Fill in the complete connection string for your Neon database (make sure the password is added as well and not the asterisks *)
    • Click “Validate Connection”
      SimpleBackups Connection String`

Step 2: Schedule and Customize Your Backup

Select a name for your backup name, set a Schedule and a Storage to store your backup, then click on Create backup.
SimpleBackups Backup Settings

Step 3: Save and Activate the Backup

  1. Review your backup configuration to ensure all details are correct & accurate.
  2. Save your backup configuration. SimpleBackups will automatically start the backup process according to your schedule.

You’ll be redirected to your backup job’s page, click on Run now to test this backup, once the backup runs successfully, you’ll be able to see a Backup success indicator.
SimpleBackups Backup Success

Restoring your backup

Step 1: Download the Neon Backup File

First, locate the URL of your backup from the restore tab in your desired backup log dialog, and download it to your local system:

wget '' -O backup.tar.gz

Step 2: Extract the Backup File

Extract the downloaded file containing your Neon PostgreSQL backup:

tar -xzvf backup.tar.gz

Navigate into the extracted directory:

cd your_backup_folder

Step 3: Restore the Backup

Now that you have the backup file, you can restore it to your Neon database. You can use the pg_restore command, or the psql command to restore the backup file to your database.

Using psql:

psql -U username -d dbname < database-dump.sql

Or, using pg_restore:

pg_restore -U username -d dbname database-dump.sql

Wrapping up.

Following these steps ensures a secure backup for your Neon PostgreSQL database,. This ensures that your valuable data is protected against accidental loss or corruption, giving you peace of mind and confidence in your data management strategy.

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