March 2022: MongoDB Streaming, CloudSync updates and new API endpoints

SimpleBackups founder

Laurent Lemaire

Co-founder, SimpleBackups

March 14, 2022

Another release, with some features we know you'll love!

Thanks again to all of you who shared some great feedback, ideas and helped us improve SimpleBackups!

Cloud Storage Synchronization improvements

Cloud-Sync goes serverless

Cloud-sync was released recently and at that time was only supporting sync leveraging your own "middle man" server.
In this release, we brought "Serverless" support for Cloud-Sync. This means you don't need any server in-between, we take care of the all process.
We also greatly improved performances and syncing millions of objects will work like a breeze.

Backup an entire bucket

You can now use Cloud-Sync to synchronize entire buckets (right from their root folders).
Which makes it a no-brainer solution to create redundancy across multiple providers.

MongoDB backup streaming

You can now stream your MongoDB backup right to your storage.
When using this option, you'll require less storage on your server as data will be streamed by a chunk of 50MB.

MongoDB Backup Streaming

Incremental MySQL backups for RDS & remote servers

Incremental MySQL backups were introduced earlier this year but are only available for local database servers.
It now fully supports remote servers including RDS and other managed services.

New API endpoints for Backup Statistics

The business plan offers access to the "Backup API" which allows you to interact with backups using our restful API.
We've added 3 new endpoints:

1. Resource Activity

Returns all your resources (backups, snapshots, or cloud-syncs) with the list of logs ordered by date, information about its server, storage, and the next planned schedules.

2. Logs Activity

Returns all your logs order by date.

3. Report Activity

For each resource, returns the number of successful jobs, error jobs, storage used, and available backups stored.

We’re soon creating a dedicated post explaining this in detail.

We've also worked on improving the application, fixing some bugs, and improving performance.

As always, we prioritize work based on your feedback and requests so make sure to reach out to us if you need something!

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