The SimpleBackups Blog

News, tips, guides and tools by the creators of SimpleBackups

Major Release: Multi Storage and Multi Schedule Backups!

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Major Release: Multi Storage and Multi Schedule Backups!

We've had an action-packed few weeks here at SimpleBackups! We've been hard at work delivering a plethora of improvements , introducing…

How to create a PlanetScale database backup

How to create a PlanetScale database backup

September 1, 2023

In this tutorial, we will guide you through creating a backup of your PlanetScale MySQL database using SimpleBackups. We will cover…

MySQL Database Security Best Practices: How to Protect Your Data From Cyber Threats?

MySQL Database Security Best Practices: How to Protect Your Data From Cyber Threats?

August 31, 2023

Imagine your business uses a MySQL database to store personal customer information like their names, addresses and payment details. One day…

How to Automate Backups in 4 Simple Steps

How to Automate Backups in 4 Simple Steps

August 31, 2023

Imagine this: You’re engrossed in work, managing crucial digital and financial information. But disaster strikes without warning, and you…

4 Best MySQL Backup Tools: The Ultimate Comparison

4 Best MySQL Backup Tools: The Ultimate Comparison

August 10, 2023

MySQL databases are used extensively to store financial, technical, and user data. But have you ever considered the legal, operational, and…

5 Best MySQL Backup Tools in 2024 – Free And Paid

5 Best MySQL Backup Tools in 2024 – Free And Paid

August 3, 2023

MySQL databases are used extensively to store financial, technical, and user data. But have you ever considered the legal, operational, and…

4 Most Powerful MongoDB Backup Tools Ultimate Comparison (2024)

4 Most Powerful MongoDB Backup Tools Ultimate Comparison (2024)

July 29, 2023

Do you manage several databases? Are you afraid of losing all your valuable data to accidents or hardware failures? Without an effective…

MongoDb Backup. A Complete Guide

MongoDb Backup. A Complete Guide

July 18, 2023

This article will give you an overview of MongoDB and explain how to create secure data backups. The Need for Backing Up MongoDB As with…

Public vs. Private vs. Hybrid Clouds: Cloud Infrastructures Explained

Public vs. Private vs. Hybrid Clouds: Cloud Infrastructures Explained

July 8, 2023

Cloud computing is an easy-to-access networked computing model that delivers digital and IT infrastructure to end users. This technology has…

Backup Policy: The Livesaver for Modern Businesses

Backup Policy: The Livesaver for Modern Businesses

June 27, 2023

Losing data is a real danger to your business. Imagine all crucial customer information, financial records, and internal documents suddenly…