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Managing files directly from cloud storage services—like Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage (GCS), and Backblaze B2—can simplify your workflows…
November 7, 2023
Have you just begun to learn how to work with SQL files using MySQL? Maybe you feel a bit lost on how to import files with this tool…
November 30, 2023
There are different types of database aside from the commonly used MySQL database. You might work on a project that uses another type of…
October 18, 2023
A MySQL backup is a copy of your database data (also known as MySQL dump) that you can use to restore your database in case of data loss…
November 16, 2023
Errors or mistakes are common in any aspects, especially in development. Using MySQL or any database can't guarantee you an error-free…
September 21, 2020
In this article, you will learn why you should do a frequent backup of your Amazon RDS database and how to do it using SimpleBackups. Table…
September 18, 2020
Backing up your sites, not just WordPress sites, is vital. Many WordPress users skip this process because they think that everything will be…
September 11, 2020
In our effort to make SimpleBackups the easiest and most pleasing solution when it comes to websites & database backups, we've gathered your…
July 14, 2020
1. Create your Wasabi Bucket Sign in your Wasabi account at Go to…
July 14, 2020
1. Create your DigitalOcean Spaces Sign in your DigitalOcean account Create a new "Spaces" using the create menu at the top right Fill in…