Backup Policy: The Livesaver for Modern Businesses

SimpleBackups Marketing Specialist


Marketing Specialist, SimpleBackups

June 27, 2023

Losing data is a real danger to your business. Imagine all crucial customer information, financial records, and internal documents suddenly disappear. It can put your business on hold and ruin your reputation.

To protect your important data and maintain uninterrupted business operations, you need a solid backup policy. This document will guide you and your team through the complexities of data backup, retention, and recovery. 

In this article, we’ll show you how to prepare a good backup policy. Let’s dive in!

What is a Backup Policy?

A backup policy is a document that outlines how the organization protects and replicates its data. It includes the following key elements:

  • Identifying what data needs to be backed up
  • Determining how frequently these backups should occur
  • Specifying where the backups should be stored
  • Establishing how long the data should be retained
  • Detailing the procedures in case of data loss

The policy emphasizes the importance of data and system backups and lays the foundation for planning, performing, and confirming backups. It also outlines specific tasks to ensure that key data is securely stored and safe.

In essence, a backup and recovery policy serves to delineate the responsibilities, ensuring that important data is not just duplicated, but also effectively managed.

Why Do You Need a Backup Policy?

Backup policies protect your business from the disastrous effects of data loss. It provides a transparent, logical process for recovery and outlines the strategy your team should follow to maintain the continuity of your operations.

Let’s say one of the CRM providers you use experienced a data breach. Without a backup policy, you and your team don’t know what are the next steps because there’s no documented process for this case. So, you wait until your SaaS provider gives you more information – and risk the integrity of your customer’s data.

This doesn’t sound like a great vision, does it?

On the other hand, if you had a proper backup policy in place, you’d probably have implemented a mechanism that backs up the data stored in the software you use. Even when a data breach occurs, and the SaaS provider loses some of the data, you’re still able to recover it using your own backups.

This gives you peace of mind and establishes the safety of your day-to-day work.

Well-designed backup policies stand as the last line of defense against data loss caused by cyberattacks, hardware failures, or other internal and external threats.

A backup policy also simplifies the process of maintaining data integrity and ensuring compliance with industry regulations.

Key Elements of a Backup Policy

You should be now aware of what a backup policy is and why it’s important. 

But what exactly should a backup policy entail? 

Below, we will dive into the key elements of a backup policy and explore each of the critical components of it. 

Scope of the Policy

The first element in a backup policy is to define the scope of the policy. You should clearly outline which systems, departments, and data are covered by the policy.

It might extend to all company data or be limited to specific key systems or departments. It is crucial to clarify these boundaries to avoid any confusion or assumptions about the policy's applicability.


The policy should articulate the specific goals it aims to achieve. 

Some of the goals might include ensuring business continuity, ensuring compliance with industry-specific or general data protection regulations, and minimizing the risk of data loss and corruption.

As a result of setting clear objectives, a road map for the implementation of the policy can be developed.

 Data Identification

An important step in the policy creation process is identifying what data to back up. 

Decisions must be made regarding the types of data to be backed up: databases, files, emails, applications, etc. This may include all data or specific mission-critical data whose loss would have a negative impact on the business.

It is important for the policy to clearly define what data falls within this category, and what data does not.

Backup Schedule

The frequency of backups should be specified in the policy, and the schedule should be determined by the nature of the data and its frequency of changes.

In particular, data that is highly dynamic could be backed up every day, while information that is less frequently updated could be backed up weekly or monthly, and critical data could even be backed up in real time.

Backup Types

The policy should define the types of backups to be used. 

  • full backups, which back up all selected data; 
  • differential backups, which back up only data changed since the last 

full backup; 

  • incremental backups, which back up data changed since the last any type of backup; 
  • mirror backups, which create an exact copy of the source data. 

The selection will depend on the business requirements and resource availability.

Backup Storage and Retention

The policy should specify the storage locations for the backups and their retention duration.

There are several options for storing data:

  • On-site: This involves housing backup data and applications within the organization's physical location,
  • In the cloud: Data and applications are stored on remote servers, allowing businesses to access their resources in the event of a disaster,
  • Hybrid: This combines both cloud-based and on-site solutions. It means storing part of your data in an external cloud and keeping some data on-site.

Regulatory requirements and business needs should determine how long backups should be kept.

Recovery Procedures

The policy needs to lay out the procedures to recover data in the event of loss or corruption. 

Procedures should cover steps to restore the data, who to contact for assistance, and the expected recovery timeframes. It should also define the process for testing the recoverability of backups regularly.

Roles and Responsibilities

The policy should be defined who is responsible for implementing, managing, and overseeing the backup processes. IT staff could handle technical implementation, department heads could ensure team compliance and external vendors could manage backups.

User Responsibilities

All users should be made aware of their responsibilities under the policy. 

In addition to following the backup policy, they may be responsible for maintaining the integrity of the data they work with, reporting any potential issues they identify, and ensuring their data is backed up properly. 

An organizational culture of data protection can be fostered by including user responsibilities in the policy.


Setting up policy compliance and enforcement is the last step in developing a backup policy. 

It's important for every member of the organization to understand the backup policy and the consequences of non-compliance. In the case of serious or repeated breaches, disciplinary action can range from refresher training to reminders. 

To make sure backup procedures are being followed and to make sure the backup system is healthy, regular audits could be conducted. 

The right enforcement mechanism encourages a culture of data protection and awareness throughout the organization as well as maintains the integrity of the backup process.

Final Thoughts 

Data backup policies outline what kind of backups to do, where to store them, how long to keep data, and how to recover it. As a result, business continuity is ensured, risks are mitigated, and regulations are met.

To create an effective backup policy, you have to define its scope, set clear goals, identify the data to back up and figure out how often to do it. Also, the policy should outline backup types (full, differential, incremental, or mirror), storage and retention plans, recovery procedures, and roles and responsibilities.

Data backups provide a safeguard against data loss disasters, preventing your business from suffering losses.

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